3Com(R) Corporation EtherDisk(R) Diskette for the EtherLink(R)III LAN PC Card Release Note For the latest software available for the 3C589 adapter, refer to Appendix C in the user guide for instructions on accessing 3Com's CardBoard bulletin board service. This version of the EtherDisk diskette provides the following enhancements: - Auto installation software for a NetWare DOS client (run AUTOLINK.EXE) NetWare DOS client software can be automatically installed on the hard disk of a PC in two ways: 1. If "3Install" is configured on a server (see user guide), customized client software will be installed. 2. If "3Install" is not available, a basic DOS client (network driver, LSL, ODI,IPXODI, and VLM) will be copied to the hard disk and placed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. - Driver agents for Transcend(TM) EtherLink SmartAgent(TM) (formerly LinkWatch) These driver agents, when used with 3Com's Transcend EtherLink SmartAgent software, allow network administrators to monitor and control PC network activity. A driver agent is built into the 3C589.COM NetWare client ODI driver. Driver agents for NDIS 2.01 drivers are separately installable files that ship with Transcend EtherLink SmartAgent software only. 3Com, EtherLink, and EtherDisk are registered trademarks and Transcend and SmartAgent are trademarks of 3Com Corporation. (%VER INSTALL.TXT - EtherDisk release notes V4.10b)